Living NVC Retreat

Lewes, East Sussex

23-28th Oct 2023


Do you need support to restore your soul and your sanity and have space to be heard without judgment or unsolicited advice?

Would you like to spend meaningful time with other people dedicated to learning and living NVC?

Are you wanting to reconnect with some of the NVC principles that can be game-changers if we have capacity to live them?

Bookings now open!

About the retreat

Live NVC together

Our intention for this retreat is to immerse ourselves in the practice of compassionately embracing and transforming our thinking whilst living NVC together with others who are committed to the practice.

We don’t have to be masters or even “good” at NVC. We don’t have to speak in a particular way or be fully practised in empathic listening. Anyone who has learned the basic steps of NVC can come and join in and have a go at showing up with as much compassion for us all doing our best.

I, Penny, will hold and facilitate the space and help us create the container for a safe space to practice together. All sorts of feelings can show up. They are all welcome. I have many years of experience in holding spaces for people in this way and the almost unanimous conclusion by the end of them is people’s faith in humanity is restored and, by the end, people generally feel relieved of some of the weight they were carrying alone.

Alex will bring his years of practicing NVC into the mix too and I am delighted to be working alongside him for the first time. He brings a willingness to be honest and vulnerability… I love having male role-models for this in a society where male vulnerability is often seen as a weakness, rather than the strength it is.

Each day, we will create what we want to do together. From experience, this will almost inevitably include group time where we have the opportunity to share deeply together - or witness others doing so if we are not ready to do so ourself. We will also build in times for walking, reflecting or being creative. There will almost certainly be emergent teaching moments though none are planned!

What does it look and feel like to live from an NVC consciousness? Do we need to give up our truth in the name of being ‘nice’? Do we have to abandon ourself in order to be ‘nonviolent’ to others?

Let’s practise together!

Let’s build confidence that all our needs really matter. Let’s practise speaking about what we are feeling, what we are needing and naming the grief of our unmet needs. Let us also connect to what we feel grateful for. Let’s step up to making requests of one another with enough resilience to be willing to hear a no and enough curiosity to wonder what the other is in fact saying yes to - their needs mattering too….

Let us practice neither abandoning our own needs, nor imposing our needs on another when someone asks something of us. Learning to hold the dilemma of unmet needs together. And let us learn to trust that we are doing the best we can with the words we have and that is enough - just be you!

In this way I anticipate us all leaving with a greater sense of self-connection and inspiration than when we began.

Here are some things you could practise

  • Bringing greater compassion to yourself

  • Considering both your own and others’ needs when requests are made

  • Connecting to your needs

  • Being curious about others’ needs when they behave in a way that doesn’t make sense to you

  • Giving yourself space to say no

  • Making vulnerable requests

  • Transforming harsh thoughts into feelings and needs language

  • Receiving and giving empathy

  • Bringing respect and compassion for each others’ differences

  • Choosing when to step up and share with vulnerability and when to witness and stay quiet

Here are some things people say they get from being on a Living NVC retreat

  • Growing understanding of empathy through witnessing it in practice

  • Relief at being received with compassion rather than judgement

  • New insights on current life challenges

  • Greater trust in coming up with your own creative solutions through the power of being empathically received

  • A delicious sense of group cohesion through shared humanity being expressed

  • Greater self-acceptance

  • Greater ability to hold on to your own needs whilst considering others

  • Rest from everyday life and integration time

  • Greater resourcefulness when you step back into your home environment

I hope, if you have got nothing else from learning NVC, that you will know that it doesn’t adhere to the idea that we have to give up anything. Instead, we can learn to notice that, when we choose to communicate our needs rather than our judgments, we are more likely to enjoy the connections that emerge than when we blame, judge or use a punitive system to coerce people to do what we want or need.

My own personal intention for the retreat

Through my years of practice, I have trust in myself to show up with empathy (including self-empathy) for all of us - And, I want to show up as a human being - not as a ‘professional’ (which more often than not is code for not being fully authentic and/or vulnerable). Instead, I want to show up as facilitator, assistant and vulnerable human-being so that we all embrace this new-paradigm and live it into being.

My wish for you

I invite you to show up as you are - no need to ‘have enough skills’ or ‘be’ a certain way - just a willingness and an intention to connect to yourself and others with compassion

What do you need to know about NVC?

To support the intentions and vision for the retreat, we ask that most of the participants have a prior knowledge of NVC, having done the equivalent of a 2 day foundation training. If you want to come and are new to NVC, this might not be a barrier to joining us. Please contact us to discuss your needs.

We ask us all to be in the spirit of accepting each other for who we are as well as taking responsibility for our own feelings and needs. The invitation is for us all to connect so that natural giving to one another is possible - this will be an opportunity to extend in both directions - both stretching to say no to others’ requests when we would habitually say yes out of duty; as well as stretching to say yes to others when we might habitually say no out of fear.

Practical Information

Starts: Monday 23rd October 2023. Arrivals from 11.30am for our first shared lunch at 12.30pm

Finishes: 3pm on Saturday 28th October 2023

Location: A luxurious and well-appointed large house in Lewes, East Sussex

Cost: £675-£850 all inclusive

Food: All food including refreshments are provided from Monday lunch through to (and including) Saturday lunch. Food will be home-made, vegetarian and organic where possible. We will do our best to cater for special dietary requests as long as you have alerted us to these at least 2 weeks before the event start date. If we are unable to, we will discuss this with you and see if we can together find creative solutions.

Numbers: There will be a minimum of 8 and a maximum of 12 of us.



“ I want to acknowledge the big part you have played in my growth Penny.  You provided a safe “holding” space I could lean into, and gave me trust, until I developed enough trust in myself.  I could not have achieved this on my own.  Thank you for believing in me, seeing past / through the spikiness! ”

— Therese B, Retired school teacher

It is very powerful to observe how Penny enables people to get in touch with themselves - staying with them in a truly empathic, supportive way”

— Jan, Retired Accountant

“ Thank you Penny, I hugely appreciated your presence, calmness, skill, persistence, integrity, warmth and and and...  I really was blown away by how the call unfolded, and it felt such a privilege to see where we had all come to by the end of the call. ”

— Alice S, Author

“ I found Penny just as I was deciding to leave my marriage of twenty years. I was so sad and lacking confidence in myself. The clarity and relfection that she helped give me has helped me build a new life and learn much about myself on my way. I now trust my values and live by them. This has given me huge strength and courage.

I recommend Penny from the bottom of my heart and have nothing but huge praise, gratitude and admiration for her ability to empathise and guide one on one's way.

— Amy, Mother and Humanitarian

Retreat Facilitators

I’m Penny Spawforth

I love holding Living NVC Retreats as I get to bathe in the group connection that emerges from sharing meaningfully together. I also love to discover the hidden gems in people as they dare to share openly and honestly as trust in the group develops

Over the last 15 years I have loved leading and co-leading small Living NVC groups and camps. After a break of some years due to a personal bereavement, I have started to offer these again.

My facilitation style is to help draw out the wisdom in each of us as well as to show up as authentically as possible whilst being the group ‘holder’.

Alex Marshall

Alex is hosting us in his family’s holiday home and will be bringing his yearning for deeper connections with others as well as his desires to live a conscious and compassionate life. He is a father to four wonderful home-educated children, husband to Gabrielle, an Alexander Technique teacher, and funeral celebrant. He has been leaning NVC for some 7 years or more. We first met on an NVC retreat I co-led in Wales in 2015. Alex has been an enthusiast of these retreats since then!


  • Please go to the booking form here

  • As long as some people have some basic NVC knowledge I am open to others coming who haven’t. That said, I won’t be teaching NVC in a direct way so it would be beneficial for you to have at least watched a beginners video online or read Marshall Rosenberg’s book

  • We will be meeting in a luxuriously appointed large house in Lewes, East Sussex

  • Yes, there is a ground floor toilet and no stairs needed to be negotiated through the day although bedrooms are upstairs

  • There is no pressure for anyone to say anything they feel uncomfortable about sharing in the group. Sometimes people feel they get enough by witnessing others speaking. That said, anything you chose to share will be welcomed and held with great respect

  • Yes - towels, bed linen, body wash, shampoo and conditioner are all provided for you

  • The newest train station is Lewes. This is a 25 minute (uphill) walk to the venue. Alternatively, a taxi would cost about £8 and take approx 5 minutes. Lifts may be possible.

  • There is parking available outside and near the house

  • I welcome any questions you may have. Please contact me here